Tesla’s Remote Live Camera Access Has Daily Data Limits In Australia

Jesus Sisco
Jesus Sisco
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Kris C on Facebook uncovered a daily data limit to access Tesla’s remote view where you can check all the cameras on your Tesla from a live-stream.

The Sentry Mode Live Camera Access is Tesla’s integrated surveillance system that uses a 360 dash cam to record damage and any attempted break-in. It has resulted in arrests of people who attempted to steal Teslas in the past, but owners haven’t been able to use it to view their car’s current surroundings until October 2022 when the feature became available to Australian Tesla owners.

However, Tesla has imposed a daily viewing limit on how long you can remotely monitor your vehicle with video. This is likely to prevent users from live streaming video for long periods of time.

Premium Connectivity reportedly uses the Telstra network, Australia’s largest mobile network. Users in the Tesla Model 3 & Y Australia Facebook group pointed out it’s likely that the mobile network is built for massive data downloads, but not uploads – which is what the car’s Sentry Mode Live Camera Access would be doing. This would explain Tesla capping Live Remote Access viewing.

The Tesla Sentry Mode Live Camera Access is only available to owners on Premium Connectivity, which is currently available as a monthly subscription of $9.99 plus applicable tax, or as an annual subscription of $99 and can be purchased from Tesla’s vehicle touchscreen or the Tesla app.